There are several reasons that professional editing is far
superior to editing from an amateur or friend in most cases. Many of the
reasons for this are fairly obvious. Of
course, professional editing is far more thorough and rigorous than editing
from an amateur. Professional editing follows both traditional rules of grammar
and standards of style based on a style guide such as the Chicago or AP
manuals. This is critical for building text that is seamless and direct, which
allows the characters, tone, voice, and narrative arc to truly jump off the
page. Professional editing pays close attention to factors such as narrative consistency
and effective sentence structure that are difficult for an amateur to pick up
on. This difficulty is not because an amateur editor isn’t smart or talented;
it’s because it takes years of editing experience and familiarity with the
publishing industry to be proficient at this.
Most writers are familiar with many of these points. What
often gets overlooked about professional editing is that it should transform
both the manuscript and the writer. Any writer who has their work edited
professionally will naturally improve. This happens as the writer sees how a
professional tackles the same challenges and obstacles that they’ve been
struggling with for days, months, or years. Good writers absorb the edits that
a professional has made and incorporate them into their subsequent work. This
happens naturally, mostly because good writers become slaves to elements of style
over time. They’re naturally pulled to the elements of the language that work
for them; things like direct sentences, coherent paragraphs, and realistic
dialogue. The act of seeing their writing transformed in this way usually
changes the way writers think about the challenges they’re facing on the blank
page. This leads to more confidence and more time to spend on the nuts and
bolts of creating great characters, developing a unique voice, and building
rising conflict.
Professional editing is not for every writer and not for
every project. But every writer who takes the craft seriously should have their
work edited professionally at some point. The writers we work with have
typically reached that point. They’ve been working long enough on a project or
on writing in general that they know it’s time to have their work edited by a professional.
This is a major step in the development of a writer, and it necessarily changes
the way writers think about writing; usually for the rest of their lives.